female founders

AccelerateHER Cohort Stories: Ernanda White

AccelerateHER Cohort Stories: Ernanda White

We had a great conversation with Ernanda White, CXO and founder of Black Girls Drone, and participant in the first cohort of the AccelerateHER program. She tells us about her background and being somewhat steered away from the tech field as child, what ultimately inspired her to start BGD, and what she hopes to see happen for the organization in the future.

AccelerateHER Cohort Stories: Kandace Anderson

AccelerateHER Cohort Stories: Kandace Anderson

Kandace Anderson’s determination and passion really shine through in her cohort story interview. She’s serious about the work that she’s committed to and honest about her journey (who doesn’t take the occasional nap during the normal workday?). She shares with us what it took to dive into developing Departmynt, an AI driven app that turns a vast women's apparel marketplace into a personal boutique for every user, a moment of reckoning regarding power and intelligence (and CEOs), and a bit of her background and inspiration.