AccelerateHER Cohort Stories: Cindy Thurk, CM Promotions

Cindy Thurk is the founder and CEO of CM Promotions, and as she refers to herself in good humor, an energizer bunny with a clipboard. She is a vibrant and supportive member of the third AccelerateHER incubator program, offered in partnership between Stoke and the Center for Women Entrepreneurs at Texas Woman’s University. The energy and expertise that she brings to the table is unmatched. Cindy spent some time answering questions about her work, process, and inspiration for our AccelerateHER Cohort Stories series. Read on!

How do you manage your time working on your business and endeavors/life things outside of it?

I am driven by productivity for sure. Every Monday I have what my business coach calls a CEO day. I block my calendar off and make my to-do for the week. I block time needed for meetings, personal development, and more. I am a morning person so I often start out with a workout and that energizes me for the day ahead. My goal is to get as much done before my husband comes home so when he does, I can check out for the evening. I tend to be hyper focused on one area of my life at a time. When I workout it is my health, when I am at my desk, it is work and when I am with Joe, it is family. All three of those are super important to me and knowing that helps me prioritize my time. 

What inspired you to begin working in the wedding industry? 

Funny story! I moved here wanting to work for the Embassy Suites Convention Center. It wasn’t even open yet but I sought out the management team and went on two interviews. I ended up not getting hired and started CM Promotions out of spite. I can’t imagine ever going back to a 9 to 5 style job. 

What is your professional background in, and how do you see that emerging in the work that you do?? 

Great question!! I worked for a corporate real estate company before moving to Texas. I got to plan and travel all over the nation putting together events from 80 to 1,000 people. I absolutely loved the team I worked and traveled with. Fun fact: My co-worker actually married Joe and I. However I was away for three out of the four weeks each month. It was perfect while I was single but once I met Joe (while in Texas for a Real Estate Event) I wanted to be with him more. When I moved to Texas and started CM Promotions, my goal was corporate events and planning weddings happened by accident. Five years later and I can’t imagine doing anything different. 

What keeps you going when the going gets tough? 

I am an avid CGer (Camp Gladiator.) It is how I start my days and it puts me in the right mindset for the day ahead. I am not perfect and definitely have days that I am overworked, overwhelmed and just need to check out. When I am stressed, reading a good book, taking a bath, and spending time with Joe usually fixes me right up!

Tell us about your team! 

They are AMAZING! Some of the most inspiring women I know. One of the things I love most about building a team is watching them grow and flourish into their roles. All planners start off co-leading several weddings with another more experienced planner. It is always so exciting the first time they get a 5 star review or a thank you card in the mail. Every wedding and event is different and it is so great having a team that truly cares and wants what is best for our couples. We meet once a month to work on personal development, training, and much more. I believe that if they are happy and fulfilled outside of work, they will perform better on behalf of CM Promotions. 

What’s your favorite thing about your workspace?

What is not to love, while I am typing this out I have my dog snuggled on my lap and a cup of coffee next to me! In all seriousness, we are often meeting at venues, floral shops, rental showrooms and much more. Every day is different and it keeps me on my toes for sure. I do have a home office and my favorite part is my vision board. It is  a beautiful sunset canvas painting that I fill with quotes, goals, and photos of what I am thankful for.

How do you tap into your creativity in your work? 

Easy, go to a wedding rental showroom or sit in on a floral consultation! Many of our full service clients hire us at the very beginning and we are together every step of the way. I love putting together mood boards, playing with various colors and adding in textures or patterns to create an immersive experience. 

Name a woman, past or present, whom you admire or look up to. Why? 

Ellen Degrees! I always loved watching Ellen and the way she encourages and inspires people. Her show always made me laugh and she always put me in a good mood and allowed me to unplug from work and just enjoy. She has such a kind heart and I try to value some of her principles in my life.

You can check out Cindy’s website (linked) and follow CM Promotions on Instagram and Facebook.