AccelerateHER Cohort Stories: Tanya Smith, Get Noticed With Video

Tanya is a video marketing strategist and business coach, a self-described #girlmom, #doglover, and a Wonder Woman fangirl. Some refer to her as a ‘walking Google.’ She empowers women service providersd to “embrace their face” on video so that they can stand out online, serve more people, and sell more services.

You can learn more about Tanya in her cohort story below!

How many days/hours of the week are you working on Get Noticed With Video? What does a typical day look like for you?

I work on my business in tandem with a full-time corporate job. Because of the systems I’ve been able to put in place over the years, I can do maximum work in minimal time. 

My average hours per week vary, but I’d say at least 20. 

I have early mornings set aside to handle administrative tasks, and evenings devoted to coaching, live streaming, and other marketing activities.

How did you come up with your business concept? 

I had been coaching entrepreneurs as a side-hustle for several years successfully online. But as technology changed and more people entered the digital marketplace, it became more competitive and harder to get visibility on social media.

Out of a sense of loss and desperation, I was ready to give up. But something happened – I stepped out and decided to try doing something dramatic. Live streaming video was a repeated push from all the major social platforms, but I was afraid to put myself out and be judged.

I made a silent commitment to go live at least once a week for a year to see what would happen. Doing this and staying disciplined helped me to grow both professionally and personally in many ways. Now I get to inspire others to try live streaming as a lucrative marketing tool.

What is your professional background in? Could you tell us how each of these disciplines emerge in your work? 

I have a background in Training & Development, Analytics, and Human Resources. All of these skills have helped me to present well, design instructional materials, and to analyze what’s working and what doesn’t for my business. 

They have also helped me be a stronger, more disciplined entrepreneur as I realized early that serving clients was the easiest part; attracting them to the business is where the thoughtful strategy matters most.

What do you hope for the businesses/business owners who work with you? 

I am most passionate about encouraging women coaches who struggle with their looks, size, age (#allthelabels) to be more bold and test the waters of live streaming for their own personal and professional growth.

As a business outcome, my focus for my clients is to help them reach and grow their audience of potential clients, and sell more of their services. The more they can serve and influence positive transformation in others, the greater the impact on our world.

How did you find your way into the industry you’re in? 

When I first moved to Dallas, I was approached by an independent beauty consultant who offered me an opportunity to learn how to build a business. My work in that space helped me see the potential and I was inspired to continue to work with other women in a coaching partnership.

What’s your favorite thing about your workspace?

Over the last few years, I’ve redesigned my space to be multi-purpose. It is a great space to juggle both corporate and entrepreneurial tasks, it’s video-ready, organized, and with the recent additions of a sit-stand desk & walking pad, it is more wellness-friendly. 

How do you tie creativity and play into your work? 

My weekly live stream is all joy. I have fun with the topics while I train and my audience loves to interact with me. I let their reactions and input guide a lot of the topics I create.

Name a woman, past or present, whom you admire or look up to. Why? 

My grandmother, Effie, has always been my biggest inspiration. She passed on in 2015 but my entire life is a reflection of who she taught me to be - strong, independent, convicted in my beliefs, and compassionate towards others.