Stoke Member Spotlight: Noel Winslow

Noel scheduled a tour of Stoke a couple of months after we re-opened post stay-at-home order, and he’s been math-ing it up on the traveling whiteboards at Stoke ever since.

Noel Winslow.jpg

Stoke members come from many different places and fields; Noel’s background happens to be in engineering as a design engineer. His fave restaurant is Thai Ocha and he spends free time workin’ on a sturdy old truck. Read more about Noel in his Stoke member spotlight below!

Tell us about what you do and what a typical workday looks like for you.

It’s usually a blur, between the practical applications I try to work on in my home shop, the theory studies I work on at Stoke, the classes I attend, and the organizations I keep up with. Each day is different!

What did it take to commit to your studies in engineering/your career path?

It took my dream car breaking down. Became a mechanic to fix it. Asked too many questions along the way, and engineering was the only field that had the answers I wanted.

What was your path into doing the work that you do?

I currently intern at a dynamic balancing company and I’m working on a senior design project for them, but it was a bit of a random chance that was the industry I started in. I cast a wide networking net and this was what caught, and I really like the company.

How do you feel about the coworking environment at Stoke and what it’s like to be a member here?

Having a place to focus and study when life at home is so dedicated to constant movement is nice. Everyone I’ve met at Stoke seems so driven and friendly, it’s like I’ve joined another company helping change the community.

What are your measures of success?

Knowledge and aptitude, and not sacrificing your values in applying them.

What has been your biggest business/work challenge or most difficult project to see to completion?

I’ve been undertaking a very ambitious Datsun 620 build, and it will likely take many years to complete.

On the other hand, what has been a memorable, enjoyable part of what you do?

Seeing something work, even when you weren’t sure it would, after you’ve made it from what you had available. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment.

Do you have a favorite app that you use lately?

Youtube Vanced. Seriously. I need my LoFi Hip Hop.

What are essential traits that an entrepreneur/side hustler/creative business person should have or work to develop?

Balance. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and sacrifice your health and well being along the way. Make sure you sleep, eat, and care for yourself or you’ll burn out.

What are you looking forward to in the future for yourself or your career?

I’ve always wanted to be part of a major project that people actually use day to day and makes their lives easier.

Favorite coffee/restaurant/bar in Denton? What do you get?

I love Thai Ocha. Back when they had dine in they always arranged the food in cute displays with fun garnishes. And it’s delicious.

Is there anything else that you would like for us/readers to know about yourself?

Since the gyms are closed I’ve taken to rollerblading around Denton to stay active! We’re always looking for new skate friends.

Share your website and social handles if you’d like:

@noelawinslow on Instagram for fun photos of my sisyphean struggle project.