Stoke operations
last updated June 1st, 2021
If you are feeling unwell in any way, please refrain from coming to Stoke.
We take the health and safety of our members, staff, and our community very seriously. Stoke staff has worked to create a plan that we believe will allow members access to a space to work, while also being responsible and extremely careful.
Our Coffee + Convo and Lunch + Learn events will continue to be virtual for the time being, and our event space remains closed. We encourage you to join our virtual events to connect with members and Dentonites if you would like some interaction with the community.
As the CDC has recently released, we are now allowing members who are fully vaccinated to choose whether or not to wear a mask or face covering. If you are not vaccinated, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask or face covering.
Stoke Staff
We will continue to supply common areas with sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and hard surface sanitizer. We will also continue to sanitize and clean the space daily, in addition to our regular maintenance of Stoke space.
Stoke Space
High touch surfaces like door handles and cabinet doors have nanoseptic wraps on them that are continuously disinfecting; Stoke staff will continue to clean and sanitize these touch points as well.